Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"A Cross Between a Zebra and Lion"

We hiked up a canyon and rapped our way down,
stemmed through cold water and jeeped back to town.
With four- wheeled machines the desert got ripped
until F= MA made blood from Barbs head drip.
Upstream and downstream narrow canyons got waded
and patrons of Whiptail disappointed and jaded.
Busses were ridden, also a horse Barb called George
as others climbed up high to gaze down the great gorge.
Cactus juice cocktails sipped deer-side by dark
Barbo and Ribo, Carbo and Libo, did Zion the park.

by Carbo

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I am SO ExCiTeD!!

I'm just sayin'......

Friday, September 24, 2010

Techniques & Gear For Canyoneering


This has  a lot of info on how to plan a trip, what to bring and techniques to use. This website has more detailed and specific gear lists.

Here’s information on techniques And a whole bunch of links here.

Water Canyon

Water Canyon is what ZRG told Lisa we’d do the first day. There’s a route description here. A lot of photos here. And a magazine story of it here.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

If You Like To Play With Ropes & Anchors

Lots of ideas here on retrievable/releasable anchors.

Here’s a simple one:

Image:Retrieve s.JPG

A little more complicated:




Maybe the easiest:

(I think Carl and Aaron would love this stuff.)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hidden Canyon

A fine adventure in a wilderness setting.”

It starts and ends at Weeping Rock, shown below.

Weeping Rock (Zion National Park) -- Photo © 2005 Joe Braun Photography

Mystery Canyon

For this canyon, wear your red shirt.

Mystery Canyon ends with a spectacular 115-foot rappel into the Zion Narrows. You will be rappelling down a waterfall, which is very slippery with moss. If you are lucky, there will be a large crowd of tourists gathered to admire your canyoneering skills and videotape you for future generations.”

Todd Burrows rappels into the slot

Keyhole Canyon

Maybe the shortest technical canyon in the Zion area. 1-2 hours and 3-4 rappels.

\Keyhole Canyon Panorama (Zion National Park) -- © 2005 Joe Braun Photography

Pine Creek

This canyon has a start right underneath the highway where you park the car. Five minutes of hiking gets you to the first rappel. Cool, huh?

Middle Pine Creek photo (Zion National Park) -- © 2006 Joe Braun Photography

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Guide To Gear

This guide seems quite good.

Zion Canyoneering

One of the canyons I like is called Pine Creek. More details on Pine here.

Pine Creek can be combined with Spry Canyon. Details on Spry here.